Sowebo Community Church Covenant Agreement
Any follower of Jesus Christ is invited to become a Covenant Member of Sowebo Community Church. We join with the believers through the ages in proclaiming the Apostle’s Creed and the Nicene Creed. In covenanting together, we ask you to:
*Share our church values of Scripture, Prayer, Worship, Relationship, and Authenticity as we live out our faith, loving God and loving others by sharing our time, talents and treasure.
*Walk with us in living out our church Commitments to:
DWELL- For us, loving our neighbors starts with being present in the community. We’re committed to being here in Southwest Baltimore- some of us work here, some of us live here, others serve here, and all of us worship here.
DEVELOP- We recognize that God has been at work in Sowebo long before we got here. We are committed to listening and learning from the community. We hope to see our neighbors thrive through practical assistance, community involvement, and partnerships with other churches and organizations.
DISCIPLE- We believe that God has given us all unique purpose and gifts. We respect the Holy Spirit at work in each of us in our pursuit of following Jesus. We grow together through our Sunday morning services, growth communities, and committed personal relationships. Through listening, loving, questioning, grieving or rejoicing, we are here for each other.
In this Covenant, Sowebo’s pastors, elders, and deacons are equally committed to providing spiritual and physical care of our members.
Additionally, Covenant members may nominate elders and deacons and review the annual church budget.
I covenant with SOWEBO COMMUNITY CHURCH to walk together in fellowship for one year. I agree to abide by the values and commitments of this church as we seek to follow Jesus and love our neighbors. I will demonstrate this commitment by participating in the life of the church and serving as God leads.
Name: ___________________________Date:______
Address: ____________________________________
Phone: ______________________________________
Email: ______________________________________
Birthday: ____________________________________
( ) I am a new Covenant Member
( ) I am reaffirming my covenant
I am in a Growth Community: Yes___ No___
I am interested in joining a growth community: ______
I currently serve at Sowebo on ___________________team.
I would like to serve on a team: _______________________
This Covenant will be effective through October 2024.